Daily Schedule

Preschool Classes

  • 8:45am | Class working parents arrive (promptly)

    The preschool is divided up into three main areas: Room 1, Room 2, and Outside.

    One working parent is assigned to each area.

    The teacher and any other class working parents are rovers, visiting all areas,

    and focusing on children's areas of interest.

  • 9 am | Teacher greeting, arrival of students, and sign-in

  • 9 - 10:45 am | Universal access to activities in Room 1, Room 2, and outside

  • 10:45 am | Transition to hand washing

  • 10:50 - 11:05 am | Snack Time

  • 11:05 - 11:40 am | Access to Room 2 and Outside

  • 11:45 am - 12 pm | End of day circle time

  • 12 pm | Sign-out and teacher release of students

  • 12 - 12:15pm | Class working parents finish clean up in the assigned areas

We try to make our day have as few transitions as possible.

We all gather together for snack time and end of day circle time.